Sunday, November 21, 2010
Introducing - Pepper Rabbit
The influx of sun-washed, dreamy indie-rock bands from America has been steadily rising in recent times and now, we've another addition to that category. Don't worry about over-kill though as two-piece Pepper Rabbit are a worthy addition to the fold. If the output of artists such as The Morning Benders and Local Natives has floated your boat then this is sure to hit the spot with these LA natives possessing the very same ability to craft a beautiful hook. Expect the buzz to follow...
Judge for yourself by listening to debut single Older Brother below or you can download it for free from here.
Pepper Rabbit Older Brother by kaninerecords
Friday, November 19, 2010
Video: Jape - RTÉ 2FM Studio8 Session
About a year ago Jape performed for the 2FM Studio8 Session, with two new tracks emerging in the process. Since then there has only been a smattering of views for these videos so I reckon they may well have slipped under the radar for a lot of people.
'Downpour' and 'If You Can Hear Me' are as good as anything Richie Egan and pals have done and are a throwback to the early, more acoustic work on Cosmosphere and The Monkeys in the Zoo Have More Fun Than Me. 'Downpour' in particular is also very similar to 'At The Heart Of All Of This Strangeness', the highlight from Jape's 2008 Choice Award winning album - Ritual.
Jape are currently performing as part of FMC tour with And So I Watch You From Afar and Fionn Regan and they roll into the Whelans this Saturday - click here for full details. On the night you can expect material from Jape's new album which is currently being finalised. According to the man himself these tracks won't be on the new album but will hopefully see the light of day in some form, at some stage.
Button Factory,
Fionn Regan,
Richie Egan,
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Album Review: Phil Selway - Familial
A review I did a while back of Philip 'the drummer from Radiohead' Selway's lovely debut.
It's all part of a general restructuring process...apologies for the inconvenience but don't worry, full ergo minimal service will be resumed shortly...
So, this is what it sounds like when the drummer of one of the biggest bands in the world leaves down his sticks and goes it alone. While Thom Yorke's The Eraser furthered the more eclectic streak of Radiohead's work, Selway's endeavour is surprisingly hushed and lands firmly under the title of 'acoustic singer song-writer'; a penchant which tends to yield nothing more than a stifled yawn these days such is the plethora of guitar-clad troubadours emerging.

Those expecting In Rainbows Part II need not apply, instead Familial arrives as it's own entity entirely. This is a record of reflection and poignancy, characterised by a series of wonderfully gentle hooks to usher in and complement the approaching Winter months perfectly.
Having apparently held off on such solo ambitions due to doubts over how to approach it, Selway should be applauded for choosing a tone which could so easily have been derided as stale and unimaginative, but instead possesses a lingering warmth in it's sparsity. One suspects however, that the strength of such songs will likely bring him the due plaudits regardless.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Concern Fastival 2010: Nouveaunoise, Patrick Kelleher, The Jimmy Cake + Clockwork Noise
A quick reminder of a great cause happening this Friday night in Whelans where an excellent selection of Irish acts will be out in force for the Concern Fastival 2010. Read the blurb, sample their respective delights below, and make your way down on Friday night...
The Concern Fastival is 24 hours of fun, friends, fundraising and fasting to help raise one million euro to treat malnourished children. We are still asking people to Fast for 24 hours and to raise sponsorship but this year it will be with a difference. We’re going to make it a fun, social experience that people can do with their friends. There will be a variety of events throughout the country which Fasters can attend for free during their 24 hours fast, registration is necessary so please go to to do so. Friends are welcome to attend by buying a ticket.
Whelan’s, 25 Wexford St, Dublin 2
Friday 26th November, 8pm
Tickets €10 + booking fee available from & WaV
Patrick Kelleher - Contact Sports/Coat To Wear
Nouveunoise - Cinntie
The Jimmy Cake - Jetta's Palace
Clockwork Noise - Choose Your Words
Clockwork Noise,
Patrick Kelleher,
The Jimmy Cake
Friday, November 12, 2010
EP Review: Kid Karate - Heart
This is my review of the debut EP from promising dublin pair Kid Karate. It was originally featured @ so I've thrown in a few new pics for good measure. Have a listen for yourself over at their Myspace.
Having gained notoriety for their live shows over the past year, Heart arrives as the first proper release from Dublin duo Kid Karate. Indeed, it was live where they first shot to my attention following an outstanding performance at last month’s Hard Working Class Heroes festival (pictures below). The pair swept away the Mercantile’s intimate confines in a blistering set which culminated in participatory drumming and with vocals delivered from a lead singer who lay convulsed at the feet of the audience. From that performance it was clear that Kid Karate possessed an unrestrained and impatient streak to impress and just as it paid off that night, so too does it on Heart.
This is a thunderous debut EP; urgent from the off and with a pace that never threatens to let up as the duo deliver four riotous anthems full of strident guitar riffs, chest thumping vocals and crashing drum-beats. Lead singer Kevin Breen’s vocals possess a definite primal element and his venomous refrains are suitably undercut with Steven Gannon’s driven percussion and backing vocals. Lazy comparisons to the other famous duo, The White Stripes, will no doubt ensue and while there’s a comparable rock edge to Kid Karate’s work, the clever use of synth’s throughout succeeds in propelling the band into an almost dancey-phase. This is most notable on highlight ‘Feel for You’ which is a pulsating, toe-tapping number, while the synth-led title track dominates proceedings and leaves you with the stirring couplet of ‘If I had a heart I would love you’ ringing in your ears. Rambunctious, rowdy and a hell of a racket for two people, Kid Karate have announced their arrival in style.
Heart EP is released Thursday November 25th.
An official launch party will take place the same night in Crawdaddy, with performances from the band themselves plus guests. Full details available here.
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